Monday, May 14, 2012

The End of our Platypus Journey

Our platypus journey together is now coming to a close. During the course of this blog series we have learned so much together about the platypus; its unique features and history (when it was first discovered it was thought to be a hoax!), its territorial and mating behaviors, its successful conservation story, its relevance in the media, and so much more. We have had the opportunity to see real pictures of platypus and platypus babies, as well as funny cartoon drawings and memes featuring our strange little friends. We have even gotten to see some funny videos featuring star platypus. Overall, it is my hope that this blog has helped spark your interest in not only the platypus but in researching and discovering a variety of animals as well as considering the impact our actions and behaviors have on their environment and ultimately their survival (check out the conservation status entry for more info!).

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